Leia has far exceeded any of our expectations! She received the therapy foundations training and I am so impressed! She is a calm and confident puppy. She understands all of the basic commands (come, sit, stay, down, leave it, etc.) and is nearly potty trained. I say nearly potty trained because any accidents that she has had have been 100% my fault for not letting her outside soon enough. Now that she has been with us a while and is familiar with our house, she sits by the door and waits to be let out. She tries to get along with other dogs and she loves playing with kids. You have certainly made having a new puppy easier! I attribute all of this to the way Steel City pups are cared for by Malachi and his family. I can’t imagine the time and dedication it took to achieve this level of training, and I am truly grateful for it. These dogs are treated as family members from the beginning. They are given names, not just numbers or collar colors, and they are treated with nothing but love and respect and kindness while being integrated into the household. Even when they go to new homes and are given new names, Malachi still remembers them. It is apparent to me that he truly cares for these dogs and wants them to be well loved their whole life. We are so thankful to have Leia and we are grateful for the care that she received at Steel City Puppies.