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Argo is a 2nd generation mini Australian Bernedoodle who weighs 19 lbs. He is sweet, cuddly, and has amazing coloring!
Coat Panel: BbEmeatatkykySsFF-/-
PennHip: 0.34/ 0.35 (Great Hips)
OFA Patella: Normal
OFA Heart: Normal
OFA Eyes/ CAER: Normal
DNA Test for over 200 Diseases: Clear for all, except carries for PRA, prcd

Ollie is small Australian Labradoodle born here at SCP! His parents are Harley and Maverick. He weighs 22 lbs and is a Chocolate Phantom Parti! He has a super cuddly, submissive, and sweet temperament! He is double furnished, so none of his pups will shed.
Coat Panel: bbEeatakykyssFF+/-
PennHip: 0.37/0.38 Good Hips
DNA Test for over 200 Diseases: Clear for All, except carries for prcd.

Jay is a mini Golden Mountain Dog (goldendoodle x bernedoodle) weighing 25 lbs.
Coat Panel: BBEmEmatatkykySsMmFF+/-
PennHip: 0.4/0.48 (Average Hips)
OFA Eyes/ CAER: Normal
OFA Patella: Normal
DNA Test for over 200 Diseases: Clear for All, except carries for DM.

Caesar is a petite goldendoodle that weighs 17 lbs.
Coat Panel: BBeeawatkBkBSsmmFF-/-
PennHip: 0.39/0.43 (Above Average Hips)
OFA Eyes: Pending
Prelim Patella: Normal
Prelim Heart: Normal
DNA Test for over 200 Diseases: Clear for All, except carries for DCM1.