It doesn’t matter how my day has been...Chloe makes it so much better!!! She just came up next to me on the couch and started giving me kisses and laid her head on my shoulder. She’s 13 months old now. Malachi Ray I can’t praise you enough for your puppies and the time and devotion you put into them. I had no doubt that Chloe would be the perfect fit for us. She’s the ray of sunlight in my heart. I don’t regret one bit bringing her into my home. Absolutely the best decision ever! She’s so smart and still remembers her commands you taught her. Mowgli, our black Labradoodle, joined us in July of this year. We decided to have Malachi crate train him. It was so worth it because Mowgli loves his crate. He plays in there and sleeps in it every night without any whining or barking-from night one. He’s now 6 months old and was completely house broken at 4 months. He’s full of energy and loves playing outside. He’s very smart too and picked up on basic commands very quickly by watching Chloe (sit, down, leave it, up, come). He just needs some training and time to chill and even out and he’ll be just as great as Chloe. The two of them are great together and have become best friends, even if he aggravates the mess out of her. It’s funny because he gets jealous if I give Chloe attention and not him, so he reminds me that he wants lovin too by getting in between me and Chloe anyway he can. It’s hard having two, but again, I don’t regret it. Their both wonderful dogs. Thanks Steel City Puppies for my two fur babies!