The Newest Flock, I mean Pack Member!

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Name: BubbleGum (Claire’s Pick!)

Age: 8 Weeks

Life Expectancy: 60+ Years

Species: Rose-Breasted Cockatoo/ Galah

Species Origin: Australia

Diet: Fresh Veggies and Fruit, Pellets, and Nuts

Cost: Same as a Gemma Mini Doodle 😭

Breeder: West Branch Aviary


Can we just start off with saying this is a rude question. 🤔 But 99% of people asking have never owned a nice parrot, so I will excuse it!

Most people don’t know I started my first business in middle and high school with rehabing and rehoming parrots and bred a couple clutches (litters for the dog people). Yes, most kids are partying, and I am busy dealing in the Parrot world. lol. But after graduating I had to move off to University, so this venture was ended.



The timing for adding a new parrot after University never seemed right until now.

Bubblegum, named by Claire, is a Galah. Named Bubblegum for her pink color, the ONLY color of gum Claire wants. They are known for their sweet nature, being social, and as one of the “quieter” cockatoos. Bubblegum is still technically a baby that I am handfeeding twice a day. I am working on weaning her onto her new diet and that should only take a couple weeks. She is also still working on getting all her feathers in!

Once Again, But Why???

😂. A well-trained parrot is an amazing pet. Most people do not have the time or dedication, so they end up screaming, plucking, and biting. However, I love the challenge of training a new species.

I hope to bring BumbleGum with me as I volunteer and train with our Therapy Pups. The VA, Daycares, Farmer’s Markets, etc. to educate on the species and let people know how therapeutic a well-behaved parrot is.

Also, she will help train the pups to be accustomed to small prey and prevent Fido from chasing squirrels. At least I hope so. 😂

All in all, they are great pets for specific people that will last a literal human lifetime if cared for properly. And they can dance. And Talk. And Fly…